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Economic hardship takes toll on teeth

The economic downturn has taken its toll on teeth, according to a recent survey. (DTI/Photo Dreamstime)
Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Wed. 21 April 2010


NEW YORK, USA: Is it true that people postpone or forgo dental treatment in difficult economic times? According to one recent survey of dental practitioners, the answer is, unfortunately, yes.

The Chicago Dental Society conducted a member poll of 250 members to learn more about their opinions on currents trends, dental topics and more. According to the survey, the effects of the recession on the dental industry have worsened over the past last year.

More than 90 per cent of dentists surveyed said their clients are putting off cosmetic procedures, the Chicago Dental Society reported. In addition, more than 75 per cent of dentists said their patients are putting off needed dental work and visits for preventative dental care are also on the decline according to more than half of dentists.

The survey also revealed that nearly 75 per cent of dentists surveyed said their patients are reporting increased stress in their lives, and 65 per cent of dentists are seeing an increase in jaw clenching and teeth grinding among their patients, signs that stress may be taking its toll on the mouth.

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