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Dentistry’s movers and shakers meet for the Dental Tribune Awards

SHOFU GmbH Managing Director Wolfgang Van Hall, left, Latin American Dental Federation President Dr. Adolfo Rodríguez, Dental Tribune International (DTI) Publisher Torsten Oemus and AMD LASERS President Alan Miller at the Dental Tribune Awards ceremony. (DTI/Photo Robert Selleck, DTA)
Javier de Pison, Dental Tribune

Javier de Pison, Dental Tribune

Tue. 29 November 2011


NEW YORK, NY, USA: The Dental Tribune International (DTI) Media Lounge hosted the first Dental Tribune Global Awards on Monday, Nov. 28, during the Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM). DTI President Torsten Oemus introduced the first eight winners of these 2011 awards, who were recognized from a refined pool of outstanding individuals in dentistry.

Oemus highlighted the careers of:

  • Dr. Adolfo Rodríguez, president of the Latin American Dental Federation, who received the Outstanding Individual of the Year award.
  • Samuel Prophete, president of the Haitian Dental Association, who received the Dentistry in a Crisis Zone award.
  • Alan Miller, founder of AMD LASERS, who received the Innovation in Dentistry award.
  • Wolfgang Van Hall, managing director of Shofu Europe, who received an award for Lifetime Achievement.

Rodríguez thanked DTI for the help the company gave him in Latin America, where he developed dental health campaigns and was instrumental in developing professional associations. Prophete, who could not be present in New York, sent a letter to acknowledge his thanks for the many organizations who helped Haiti in its time of need during the devastating 2011 earthquake.

Perhaps the most moving words of thanks belonged to Alan Miller, who said that Dental Tribune helped a small Midwestern dental laser manufacturing company become a recognized world player in dentistry, not only through advertising but also via the Dental Tribune Study Club courses that allowed AMD LASERS to show its products worldwide.


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