Dental News - ADA seeks hundreds of volunteers for dental clinic in New Orleans

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ADA seeks hundreds of volunteers for dental clinic in New Orleans

Dental professionals coming to New Orleans for the ADA 2013 Annual Session will have an opportunity to volunteer their services at a Mission of Mercy charity event. (DTI/Photo Alex Demyan,

Thu. 6 June 2013


CHICAGO, Ill., USA: The American Dental Association (ADA) is rallying its membership to join a Mission of Mercy (MOM) charity dental clinic on Sunday, Nov. 3, in New Orleans, the site of its 2013 Annual Session. Together with America’s Dentists Care Foundation and support from the Louisiana and New Orleans Dental Associations, the event aims to serve 1,000 people in need of dental care.

ADA-member dentists, their team members, clerical and support staff are encouraged to join what promises to be a rewarding and memorable day to help nurture a community and unite professionals who share a passion for improving the nation’s oral health.

“Volunteers are the backbone of this program, and this year’s event is truly unique given it’s the first to actively recruit dental professionals from around the country,” said Dr. Mark C. Huberty, chair of the ADA Mission of Mercy. “We will need approximately 750 people to pitch in their time and talent for a great cause that gives back to the public and our profession.”

MOM volunteers serve many roles during a typical event, with dental professionals generally providing triage services, diagnostics and treatment, including restorative and specialty care. Other volunteers, including students, laboratory technicians and office specialists, provide support to help the MOM clinics run smoothly. Spouses and family members older than 18 are also welcome to help with event registration, set-up/tear-down and other logistics. The children’s portion of the event will be sponsored by CareCredit in tandem with Give Kids A Smile, the ADA’s signature access to care program for underserved children.

This year’s ADA MOM in New Orleans will run from 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central Standard Time on Nov. 3, with full- and half-day shifts available. At this time, the ADA asks that MOM volunteers keep event details private so attendance can be managed through local promotional efforts. MOM participants do not need to be registered for the ADA Annual Session to volunteer.

For more information or to register as a volunteer, visit

(Source: ADA)


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