Dental News - AAE’s annual meeting offers many ways to learn

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AAE’s annual meeting offers many ways to learn

Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan and Dr. Yoshi Terauchi present ‘Predictable and Minimally Invasive Techniques for Instrument Retrieval’ at AAE19 in Montreal. (Photo: Fred Michmershuizen/Dental Tribune America)
Fred Michmershuizen / DTA

Fred Michmershuizen / DTA

Thu. 11 April 2019


MONTREAL, Quebec, CANADA: With everything from lectures to hands-on workshops and everything in between being offered at AAE19, one thing is certain: the annual session of the American Association of Endodontists offers plenty of educational opportunities.

The meeting is being held April 10 to 12 (Wednesday to Friday) at the Palais des Congrès. On Wednesday, opening day of the event, highlights of the AAE’s popular “To the Point” lecture series, being offered on the exhibit hall floor, included “Why GentleWave? Efficacy, Efficiency and Practice Impact,” presented by Dr. James Smith; and “3-D Imaging in Private Practice: Refer It Out or Do It Yourself?” presented by Dr. Allen Ali Nasseh.

Other highlights included “Predictable and Minimally Invasive Techniques for Instrument Retrieval,” presented by Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan and Dr. Yoshi Terauchi; and “Things I Learned the Hard Way,” presented by Dr. Lou Berman and Dr. C. John Munce.

On Wednesday morning, futurist Mike Walsh, CEO of innovation consultancy Tomorrow and award-winning, bestselling author of “Futuretainment,” offered the keynote address. He summarized trends currently shaping the future of business and consumer behavior, focusing on how data-driven algorithms are leading to a digital transformation.

After his talk, AAE President Dr. Patrick E. Taylor and AAE19 General Chair Dr. Alan S. Law joined Walsh on stage for a couch discussion. Attendees were able to pose follow-up questions via the AAE meeting app.
