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AAID - American Academy of Implant Dentistry, 61st Annual Meeting



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Event 03 - 06 October 2012

This meeting is designed to bring together the world’s experts in implant dentistry to debate several options of treating a similar situation allowing you to develop practical solutions. Examples of some of the options that will be debated include:

  • Should comprehensive reconstruction be the goal or can we settle for con formative Implant restorations?
  • Should length matter? Can short implants be a solution to circumvent grafting or does length ensure longevity?
  • Is autogenous bone the gold standard? Can allogenic particulate grafts get the same results as autogenous block grafts?
  • Connective tissue grafts: How much should we stretch to achieve perfection? Or should we resort to prosthetic solutions for soft tissue limitations?

    Contact Details:
    American Academy of Implant Dentistry
    211 E. Chicago Avenue, Suite 750
    Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA
    Tel: +1 312 335 1550
    Toll free: 877 335-AAID (2243)
    Fax: +1 312 335 9090

    Meetings Director: Ms Sara May
    Tel: +1 312 335 1550 ext. 225

    Venue: Hilton, Washington DC - USA

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