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Latest issue
digital international No. 4, 2021
Cover / Editorial / Content / The COVID-19 practice manager 2021: Four steps to con dence—Part 4 / Teledentistry: A bridge between present and future / “Digital technologies are fundamentally changing the dynamics of our industry” - An interview with master dental technician Stephan Kreimer / Amann Girrbach goes “shareside” / Full-arch rehabilitation with lithium disilicate secondary crowns luted on to the primary framework / The use of autologous tooth structure as adjunct grafting modality for full-arch dental implant rehabilitation / Delayed immediate implant placement and direct soft-tissue management / Restorative simplicity for a challenging case with limited space / “It was easy to turn off the pain”— Patient receives dental implant under self-hypnosis / News / Industry / Meetings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
1 - 1 -
3 - 3 -
4 - 4 -
The COVID-19 practice manager 2021: Four steps to con dence—Part 4
6 - 9 -
Teledentistry: A bridge between present and future
10 - 11 -
“Digital technologies are fundamentally changing the dynamics of our industry” - An interview with master dental technician Stephan Kreimer
12 - 14 -
Amann Girrbach goes “shareside”
16 - 16 -
Full-arch rehabilitation with lithium disilicate secondary crowns luted on to the primary framework
18 - 23 -
The use of autologous tooth structure as adjunct grafting modality for full-arch dental implant rehabilitation
24 - 29 -
Delayed immediate implant placement and direct soft-tissue management
30 - 34 -
Restorative simplicity for a challenging case with limited space
36 - 37 -
“It was easy to turn off the pain”— Patient receives dental implant under self-hypnosis
38 - 41 -
42 - 45 -
46 - 55 -
56 - 60 -
Submission guidelines
61 - 61 -
62 - 62