SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA: Directa, a Swedish supply and manufacturing company that dedicates itself to introducing innovative, high-quality and cost-effective products into the dental marketplace, is perhaps best known around the world for its Luxator extraction instruments, which allow dentists to remove teeth without damaging the surrounding bone tissue. But at the recent California Dental Association meeting, it was the company’s products for restorations that had many people buzzing.
Many are already familiar with the FenderWedge tooth protector, which separates and protects adjacent teeth during preparation for a restoration. A combination of a wedge and a protective stainless steel plate, the FenderWedge pre-separates teeth by a few tenths of a millimeter, protecting the adjacent tooth during preparation and aiding in the final building of the contact point.
Now, the FenderWedge has a companion — the FenderMate. The one-piece matrix is designed to allow dentists to quickly and efficiently fill a cavity and get a restoration with a tight contact and a tight cervical margin.
“We’ve taken a 15-minute procedure down to about five seconds,” Frank Cortes, U.S. sales manager for Directa, told Dental Tribune during an interview at the CDA meeting.
As Cortes explained, the Fender-Mate combines a wedge and a matrix in its design so that dentists no longer have to fumble with multiple pieces. A flexible wing separates the teeth and firmly seals the cervical margin, avoiding overhang. It features optimal matrix curvature and a pre-shaped contact. No ring is needed, and when it is inserted as a wedge, the tooth is ready for immediate restoration.
“FenderMate is making a big impact worldwide,” said Cortes, who told Dental Tribune that the new product has already received lots of positive feedback. According to Cortes, dentists are pleased not only with FenderMate’s ease of use but also with its ability to help them provide better patient care.
The FenderMate is available in packs of 18 for left and right regular and narrow restorations. An assorted kit of 72 pieces is also available.
As with all products by Directa, the FenderWedge and the FenderMate are designed by dentists, not engineers.
Products manufactured by Directa AB from Sweden are distributed by JS Dental Manufacturing in the United States.
Dr. Jure Poglajen, Dr. Manouchehr Kiaei DDS
Dr. Joseph M. Gakonyo BDS, PGDipDent, MSc
Prof. Mikael Zimmerman DDS, PhD
Prof. Mikael Zimmerman DDS, PhD
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