Z-Soft Colors

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Z-Soft Colors

Zoll-Dental is showcasing its latest handle creation, Z-Soft Colors. Made with durable silicone grips, these handles bring a new level of comfort and compliment the Featherweight® handle series pioneered by Zoll-Dental.

The Z-Soft has a raised positive knurl pattern that provides a comfortable yet aggressive grip. A more positive grip means avoiding the squeeze that is necessary to hold smoother instruments, which can lead to hand strain and fatigue.

The Z-Soft is available in six different colors — blue, orange, green, purple, yellow and pink — and fits every double-ended instrument Zoll-Dental offers for every phase of your practice. Whether it is scalers or composite instruments, probe/explorers or periotomes, the Z-Soft handle will provide a comfortable grip to any practitioner.

When ordering, choose your instruments in any of the six Z-Soft colors to allow organizational flexibility. You can use Z-Soft Colors to sort your instruments by procedure, instrument type, instrument user or any other system you want.

In addition, unlike other composite or silicone handles, the Z-Soft can be re-tipped, so if re-tipping is a part of your practice’s maintenance program, using Z-Soft Colors makes sense.

