topsOrtho 6.0

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topsOrtho 6.0

tops Software has released the latest version of its practice management software. topsOrtho 6.0 comes with several new features, including topsChecklist (which allows a practice to create customized checklists) and a new backup mechanism that automatically saves practice data each hour. It also includes redesigned treatment notes.

topsOrtho 6.0 also marks the debut of D7 Matrix analytics. D7 Matrix takes a dynamic approach to analytics and is designed to give orthodontists a much clearer picture of what’s happening in their practices than with traditional reporting.

“For the past 20 years, the orthodontic software industry has completely failed our profession,” says Dr. Mark Sanchez, founder and CEO of tops Software. “Consultants haven’t been able to get the information they need, and reporting has been a painful and inefficient process for the staff members in a practice. With D7 Matrix, we’ve found the perfect balance between complexity and simplicity. In just one or two clicks, anyone—doctors, staff members, consultants—will be able to create an interactive multidimensional analysis.”

With D7 Matrix, orthodontists can view statistics such as the following, all in one place:

  • Where each patient is, in his or her treatment (for example, how many patients are in active treatment and how many are in retention).
  • Profitability by type of treatment.
  • Conversion rates, broken down in various ways (such as during a specific time frame or by treatment coordinator).
  • Treatment times, depending on treatment method or type of patient.

“D7 Matrix will radically change what orthodontists expect from their analytics,” Sanchez says. “Our secret blend of data, neatly folded into a seven-dimensional matrix, will allow orthodontists to see their practices in new and beautiful ways. I think everyone will have an ‘Aha!’ moment when they see how our D7 Matrix blows away old-school reporting.”

About tops Software

Dr. Mark Sanchez founded Atlanta-based tops Software in 1992. The privately held company provides a suite of Mac-based orthodontic software:

  • topsOrtho practice management software, a management and imaging system.
  • topsCephMate cephalometric software, a digital cephalometric tracing and treatment simulation program.
  • topsEcho for the iPhone and iPad, which provides real-time access to patient data and images.
  • topsCheck-In for iPad, a patient check-in application.


