iBarrier single use, touch sensitive tablet sleeve from Crosstex

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iBarrier single use, touch sensitive tablet sleeve from Crosstex

Crosstex International is proud to introduce its newest barrier protection product — iBarrier. Made specifically to fit the iPad, the iBarrier will fit multiple tablets currently on the market. Designed to protect healthcare professionals, staff and patients from cross contamination, the iBarrier is the only single use, touch sensitive tablet sleeve created for the healthcare profession.

Made in the USA and latex free, the iBarrier is a full coverage, disposable sleeve/cover, that is both easy to use and inexpensive enough for single use to help ensure proper infection prevention in healthcare settings. The optimally clear, lightweight, protective material and precise fit ensure that devices remain fully-functional while protecting the end user from cross-contamination. Simply insert the iPad/tablet into the sleeve, remove the adhesive strip and seal.

“Crosstex is proud to offer this product as part of our full line of barrier protection products,” said Pamela Runge, vice president, marketing. “iBarrier takes into account new technology in the healthcare setting and takes it one step further by helping to protect the end user from becoming vulnerable to possible infectious matter while using an electronic device such as an iPad in a clinical setting.”

