Broadview Networks: Leveraging technology to help dentists grow their practices

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Broadview Networks: Leveraging technology to help dentists grow their practices

Delivering fast and personalized service makes all the difference in retaining existing patients, attracting new ones and increasing your practice’s revenue. Instead of having to put callers on hold and waste time looking up information in a separate system, the pop-up window you get with the Dentrix integration puts everything in one place.

If you can meet your patients’ needs in a way that fits into their hectic lifestyles, they will thank you by giving you more of their business and referring friends, family and colleagues. This is just one of the many ways OfficeSuite works with Dentrix to help you organically grow your practice and your bottom line.

Imagine if your staff could book multiple appointments in one phone call: “Hi, Mrs. Smith. Are you calling to confirm your appointment at 1:30 tomorrow? Great, we’ll see you then. And by the way, it looks like your son’s six-month cleaning is due. How is next Wednesday at 4?”

OfficeSuite’s Dentrix integration software makes it easier for your staff members to book more continuing care appointments and reduces the number of calls they must make to patients, helping you increase revenue and decrease operational expenses.

In a similar fashion, your staff no longer has to make as many calls reminding patients of outstanding balances or mail as many bills, which is a drain on most practices’ resources. When OfficeSuite and Dentrix are integrated, all of that account information is in front of your staff when the patient calls, so they can remind them on the spot and settle it instantly.

Save time and improve efficiency by providing your staff with one-click access to all the Dentrix functions they need. With a single click in the pop-up window, the staff can access the selected Dentrix function for the calling patient. Staff can update the patient’s appointments, family file, contact information, chart, prescriptions and ledger quickly and easily.

And since the pop-up window displays the patient’s information the instant your phone rings, your staff never has to enter their name, saving time and reducing data entry.

