Dental News - Webinar to discuss latest technology in implantology

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Webinar to discuss latest technology in implantology

In a free webinar, Dr. David Little will present some of the newest technologies in the field of implantology and outline how they can be incorporated into dental practices. (Image: DT Study Club)

Wed. 28 June 2017


NEW YORK, USA: Since the beginnings of modern implantology over 50 years ago, much advancement has been made in terms of both the technologies and the materials used. In an upcoming free webinar on Wednesday, June 28, an expert will be presenting some of the latest developments in this field and outlining how dental professionals can incorporate these into their practices.

Ideally, a dental implant should be able to serve both a functional and an esthetic purpose, working and appearing as much like a natural tooth as possible. However, issues such as the loss of hard tissue, peri-implantitis and implant failure can arise if the procedure and subsequent management of the affected area are suboptimal. In the webinar, Dr. David Little will be demonstrating how these negative side effects can be minimized through the utilization of specific new technologies.

Little runs a private practice in San Antonio that largely focuses on restorative procedures. He is also an adjunct clinical professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and lectures internationally.

The 1-hour webinar, titled “Implants are the future: Enhancing implant diagnosis, surgical, and restorative outcomes using the latest technology,” will be broadcast live on Wednesday, June 28, from 8 p.m. EST (New York). Attendance is free of charge after easy registration on the website. Participants will be able to ask questions via a chat window and have the opportunity to earn a continuing education credit by completing a multiple-choice questionnaire on the topic discussed.

Dental professionals interested in attending the course may register online here.

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