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Implant specialists offer tips in New York

Dr Bruce Lish of New York City prepares for his talk on ‘Mini Dental Implants to Retain Lower Dentures’ in the Live Dentistry Arena at the recent Greater New York Dental Meting. (DTI/Photo Sierra Rendon)
Sierra Rendon, DTA

Sierra Rendon, DTA

Wed. 30 December 2009


NEW YORK, NY, USA: The Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM) is traditionally an event where the most up-to-date techniques are taught and discussed, and this was no different in 2009. Implants were a hot topic at the event, which took place 29 November to 2 December.

Here is a sampling of the many GNYDM speakers and topics that involved implants:

You’ve Taken Implant Training ... What Do You Do Next? by Lynn D. Mortilla, discussed integrating implants into your practice.

Immediate Tooth Replacement in the Esthetic Zone, by Dr Barry Levin, showed that the time frame of three to six months of unloaded healing is not always mandatory any longer. He explained how immediate temporization can give the patient an immediate sense of security and esthetics.

My First Esthetic Implant Case — Why, How & When? by Dr Marius Steigmann explained that success from the esthetic aspect requires bone height and width, soft-tissue architecture and prosthetic restorations close to nature.

Mini Dental Implants to Retain Lower Dentures, by Dr Bruce Lish, showed how mini dental implants can be used to help retain and stabilize a complete lower denture.

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