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CDA Foundation to operate free dental clinic in San Jose

A two-day CDA Cares event will be held in San Jose, Calif., May 18 and 19. At the last clinic, pictured above, Dr. Russ Webb was one of more than 1,300 volunteers who donated time and services. (DTI/Photo California Dental Association Foundation)

Thu. 28 March 2013


SACRAMENTO, Calif., USA: The California Dental Association Foundation has announced a CDA Cares free dental clinic will be held May 18 to 19 at the San Jose Convention Center. 

Dentists and dental professionals will provide cleanings, fillings, extractions, oral health education and assistance in finding a dental home to Californians who experience barriers to care.

Last year, the CDA Foundation and CDA hosted two clinics that provided $2.8 million in dental care to 3,676 patients, thanks to the generosity of volunteers. Dozens of legislators and local elected officials attended in 2012 and experienced the volunteer spirit of dentistry and the need for dental care in their constituencies.

“We expect the San Jose clinic will have a similar impact and are encouraging dentists, including oral surgeons, lab technicians, dental hygienists and other team members to participate,” said Ken Wallis, DDS, chair of CDA Cares San Jose.

At the last clinic alone, more than 1,300 volunteers donated their time and services, including more than 600 health professionals — dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, nurses and lab technicians — as well as hundreds of community volunteers who assisted with registration, translation, data entry and escorting patients.

“The mission of the CDA Foundation is to improve the oral health of Californians, and with CDA Cares, that’s just what we’re doing,” said Don Rollofson, DMD, chair of the CDA Foundation. “These events not only provide patients with essential dental care to relieve pain and infection, but also the education and tools needed to help them properly maintain their oral health.”

Volunteer registration is now open for CDA Cares San Jose and offers volunteers their choice of job, days and times at


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