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CareCredit continues to support Give Kids a Smile

Steve Kess, left, Give Kids a Smile National Advisory Board chair and vice president of global professional relations for Henry Schein Inc.; Dr Jeff Stasch, board member and member of the ADA Council on Access, Prevention and Interprofessional Relations; Dr Ron Tankersley, ADA president; and Robert C. Henderson, Ph.D., board member and member of the ADA Foundation Board of Directors, accept a $100,000 donation from Cindy Hearn, senior vice president of marketing for CareCredit and member of the Give Kids A Smile National Advisory Board. (Photo/Courtesy of ADA News. Copyright © 2010 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.)
Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Thu. 15 April 2010


CHICAGO/NEW YORK, USA: When it comes to corporate social responsibility, some companies know how to make all the right moves. One such company is CareCredit, which continues to support the American Dental Association Foundation’s Give Kids A Smile Expansion Fund with financial contributions.

CareCredit is a Costa Mesa, CA, USA.-based company that provides financing options for patients who require dental care. A representative from the company presented a fourth consecutive $100,000 donation to Give Kids A Smile during the charity’s recent National Advisory Board meeting, held 24 February in Chicago.

“Dental disease among children is a serious issue in the United States. When a child has disease and pain, it makes it difficult for them to eat, sleep and learn,” said Cindy Hearn, senior vice president of marketing at CareCredit and a member of the Give Kids A Smile National Advisory Board. “CareCredit became the founding donor of the fund to help increase children’s access to treatment throughout the year. Each year we are so impressed with how the grant recipients use the funds to reach out in their community, state and even across the country.”

The Give Kids A Smile program has two objectives: first, to enable dental teams to provide free dental care, screening and education to underserved children; and second, to raise public awareness that the children of this country deserve a better health-care system that addresses their dental needs.

In 2009, with the help of CareCredit’s contribution, grants were awarded to the Hispanic Dental Association (HDA), the National Dental Association (NDA) and Oral Health America. The HDA is using its grant to fund local dental-student-led oral health programs in Los Angeles, Dallas and Boston. The NDA is enhancing the Deamonte Driver Dental Project and has assembled its Dentists in Action resource directory.

Oral Health America’s grant funds have been distributed to Smiles Across America sites in California, Minnesota and Nevada.

“CareCredit continues to give benevolently to the Give Kids A Smile Fund,” said Dr Arthur A. Dugoni, president of the ADA Foundation, in acknowledging the contibution. “Through their generosity, we have truly been able to make a difference in the lives of children who have little to no access to quality dental care.”

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