Dental News - Candy B. Ross honored for her commitment to Give Kids A Smile

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Candy B. Ross honored for her commitment to Give Kids A Smile

Candy B. Ross of KaVo Kerr Group, NA Equipment, accepts the 2013 Steven W. Kess Give Kids A Smile Corporate Volunteer Award. Pictured with Ross are Dr. David Whiston, ADA Foundation president, left, and Steven W. Kess, vice president, global professional relations, Henry Schein Inc. (Photo: PRNewsFoto/Henry Schein Inc.)

Thu. 7 November 2013


MELVILLE, N.Y., USA: Steven W. Kess, vice president, global professional relations of Henry Schein Inc., presented the Steven W. Kess Give Kids A Smile Corporate Volunteer Award at the ADA Foundation Give Kids A Smile Gala in New Orleans, La., to Candy B. Ross, director of industry and professional relations, KaVo Kerr Group, NA Equipment.

The award recognizes outstanding achievement and commitment to Give Kids A Smile.

“Candy has been a steadfast champion of the Give Kids A Smile program since its inception 11 years ago,” Kess said. “She has been a powerful voice for the program and the importance of enhancing access to oral care for underserved children in this country, and she has carried this message within her corporation, throughout the industry and beyond. Candy has been an exceptional representative of DEXIS and now KaVo Kerr Group.”

Each year, Henry Schein partners with Colgate-Palmolive and DEXIS to sponsor ADA Give Kids A Smile Day, ADA’s signature access to care program. Approximately 5 million children have received free oral services by almost half a million volunteers since Give Kids A Smile’s inception in 2002. This year alone, Give Kids A Smile brought approximately 40,000 dental team volunteers, including more than 10,000 dentists, together with more than 450,000 underserved children at more than 1,700 events across the country for free oral health screenings, education and treatment.

“As a visionary leader in the field of oral health and a powerful champion for expanding access to and awareness of the importance of children’s oral health care through the Give Kids A Smile Program, it is most appropriate the Steven W. Kess Give Kids A Smile Corporate Volunteer Award should be named in Steve’s honor,” said Stanley M. Bergman, chairman and CEO of Henry Schein. “This year’s honoree, Candy Ross, has been an outstanding champion for this cause, and we applaud her efforts.”

Kess received the ADA’s 2012 Give Kids A Smile Corporate Service Award, which is now named in his honor. Since 1991, Kess has held several executive management positions at Henry Schein. He was and remains instrumental in the development and growth of Henry Schein Cares, the company’s global corporate social responsibility program, and he serves as president of the Henry Schein Cares Foundation. Kess serves on the boards of the country’s leading oral health foundations and academic institutions. From 2006 to 2012, he served as chairman of the National Advisory Board for the ADA’s Give Kids A Smile program.

(Source: PRNewswire)

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