Wykle and Nordiska Dental offer Calasept Endo line

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Wykle and Nordiska Dental offer Calasept Endo line

Wykle Research has teamed up with Nordiska Dental to provide the Calasept Endo line in the United States. Current products include Calasept Plus – 41 percent calcium hydroxide paste for temporary filling of root canals, Calasept EDTA – 17 percent EDTA solution for chelation of root canals, and Calasept CHX – 2 percent Chlorhexidine for the final rinse of the root canal prior to filling the canal.

All of the products in the Calasept Endo line are subject to a strict manufacturing process. The result is a consistent reliable product line that you have come to expect from Wykle and Nordiska Dental.

Calasept EDTA is specially formulated to aid in the negotiation of root canals by endodontic instruments. The EDTA forms a water-soluble chelate complex that decalcifies substances and dissolves smear layers, thereby increasing the adhesion of filling material. EDTA helps to enlarge and shape the canal for final obturation.

For maximum effect, flush intermittently with EDTA and sodium hypochlorite. Rinse the root canal thoroughly after use of EDTA. Calasept CHX is recommended for final rinsing.

Calasept EDTA is sold in 100 ml bottles with Luer top adaptor for easy filling of syringe and less waste.

During endodontic treatment EDTA and sodium hypoclorite are used intermittently. In vitro studies have established that the chelating effect of EDTA is not limited by using sodium hypochlorite. Therefore irrigation with Calasept CHX solution prior to filling a canal with resin material is recommended.

In addition, the bactericidal capacity of Calasept CHX will reduce the number of bacteria.

Calasept CHX is sold in 100 ml bottles with Luer top adaptor for easy filling of syringe and less waste.

Calasept Plus – Calcium Hydroxide paste has a very high content of calcium hydroxide (more than 41 percent) giving a high concentration of hydroxyl ions. These generate the high pH value of 12.4, which has a pronounced bactericidal effect, killing of bacteria.

High concentration of calcium hydroxide means long-lasting because the paste can release calcium ions for a long time.

Calasept Plus is a ready-to-use paste in air-tight syringes for direct application through the Flexi-tip. Five Flexi-tips per syringe are provided. Calasept Plus is available as one syringe and five flexi-tips (1U), or four syringes with 20 flexi-tips (4U). Cap off the syringe to prevent air from coming into contact with the paste so you can service up to five patients per syringe.

All Calasept products are available through dealers.

Look for more Calasept Endo products in the near future.

