New Core Material Offers Better Physical Properties when used in the Self Cure Mode

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New Core Material Offers Better Physical Properties when used in the Self Cure Mode

MERIDEN, CT – Oxford ZIRCore NANO is a dual cure, resin core build-up material with zirconia nano particles for outstanding physical properties without affecting the material’s ability to stack and flow. This unique formula enables Oxford ZIRCore NANO to maintain 90% of its physical properties when used in the self cure mode – normally ALL posterior applications. Some of the leading brands can lose anywhere from 33% - 50% of their strength when used in this manner. Oxford ZIRCore NANO is supplied in 5ml automix syringes to facilitate easy placement of the material onto the tooth’s surface or into a post space when used as a cement. The product is available in both tooth colored and contrast shades.
For more information or to order the product, contact Finnigan Enterprises at (888) 686-1950.
