Glidewell Laboratories introduces Obsidian lithium silicate ceramic crowns

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Glidewell Laboratories introduces Obsidian lithium silicate ceramic crowns

Glidewell Laboratories, industry-leading provider of dental lab products and services, has announced launch of Obsidian lithium silicate ceramic, a new glass ceramic material indicated for the fabrication of monolithic restorations, including individual crowns, three-unit anterior bridges, veneers, inlays and onlays.

Unlike layered ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations, Obsidian ceramic restorations are resistant to chipping due to their monolithic composition and average flexural strength of 373 MPa. They exhibit an ideal combination of esthetics and strength with translucency that mirrors the vitality of natural teeth.

Obsidian ceramic restorations exceed the ISO strength requirements for cemented all-ceramic restorations and can be used anywhere in the mouth. These high-strength, esthetic ceramic restorations follow traditional allceramic prep requirements and can be conventionally cemented or adhesively bonded.

“Five years ago we started working on creating a strong, monolithic glass ceramic material that would provide dentists and their patients with restorations that would not break like older, traditional PFM restorations,” says Rodolfo Castillo, senior ceramic engineer. He adds that the development and successful launch of Obsidian ceramic is the proudest accomplishment of his 27-year career in the dental industry.

After the Obsidian glass ceramic material is manufactured according to ISO 13485, the dental laboratory then produces finished ceramic restorations using CAD/CAM technology.

Priced at only $99 per unit, Obsidian ceramic restorations are available in all VITA Classical and Bleached shades. Model-free cases from a digital scan can also be prescribed for a savings of $20 per unit.

