Acid erosion: A challenge for modern dentistry

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Acid erosion: A challenge for modern dentistry

ProNamel Panel makes recommendations for identification and management in practice.

Tooth wear is an increasingly common problem, particularly among young adults. ESCARCEL, a recent pan-European study supported by GSK, found that almost one third (29.4 percent) of study subjects, aged 18-35, have experienced tooth wear[1] and therefore identifies a need to regularly screen patients for the condition.[2]

The ESCARCEL study looked at tooth wear risk factors and found that those with frequent acidic food intake had higher levels of damage.[1] Adherence to modern lifestyles — including consumption of diets rich in acidic food such as fruits, juices, tea and sodas — was identified as a likely contributor to the increase of the condition.

While initial enamel softening is reversible, once the enamel is lost from teeth, it is lost forever, raising the importance of proactive prevention and management of the condition.[1]

On Oct. 28, 2013, a round table of highly recognized dentists and dental hygienists was hosted in New Jersey supported by GSK, the manufacturers of ProNamel toothpaste. The meeting discussed the recently released European data (ESCARCEL study) and insights on prevalence and significance of tooth surface acid erosion, approaches to identifying erosion in the dental office, and the management of patients at risk of wear.

The panel universally reported seeing acid erosion on a weekly basis in clinical practice, confirmed the condition is a significant threat to a patient’s oral health and agreed that the prevention of acid erosion is the most effective form of management. The role of the dental professional in identifying those patients at risk was recognized as critical.

The need for recommendations was made evident by the lack of a simple and accepted index for the identification and recording of acid erosion in the dental office, as well as the lack of robust data on the prevalence of acid erosion within the U.S. population.

The Basic Erosive Wear Examination, a simple recording tool for use in practice to guide clinicians through the diagnostic process and assist them in determining appropriate case management, was presented and discussed. The panel determined that the Basic Erosive Wear Examination would be a useful tool in indexing and recording acid erosion amongst patients at risk.

The panel made a series of recommendations to raise awareness of the condition and the Basic Erosive Wear Examination amongst practicing dental professionals, and to improve dental education. The meeting also highlighted the need for further research within the US dental patient population.

Summary of key findings

  • Acid erosion presents a significant risk to patients’ oral health.
  • There is a growing need to establish the prevalence of acid erosion among the U.S. population.
  • A healthy, balanced diet is important, but care needs to be exercised in the frequency and method of consumption of acidic foods.
  • Prevention of acid erosion is the most effective form of management and the role of the dental professional in identifying patients at risk is critical.
  • Management of acid erosion should be targeted at those patients most at risk.
  • The Basic Erosive Wear Examination index could be a valuable tool in supporting dental professionals in accurately and consistently identifying and recording acid erosion.

ProNamel toothpaste has been specially developed with an optimized fluoride formulation to help reharden acid-softened enamel and make it more resistant to future acid challenges.

The specially developed fluoride polymer technology of ProNamel Fluoride Rinse enhances the delivery of fluoride to the tooth surface.[3]

Use of ProNamel toothpaste and ProNamel Fluoride Rinse together can help to provide extra protection against the effects of acid erosion.

1. Bartlett DW et al. J Dent 2013; 41: 1007-1013.
2. Bartlett DW. International Dental Journal 2005; 55: 277-84.
3. Nehme M et al. Polymer-Augmented Fluoride Uptake into Enamel Erosive Lesions. Presented at IADR, Seattle, March 2013. #174399.

ProNamel is a registered trademark of the GSK group of companies

This is content from GSK.

