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Yankee Dental Conference exhibit hall filled with C.E. options

The Boston Convention and Exhibition Center hosts the Yankee Dental Congress, which features more than 300 continuing education courses and more than 450 exhibitors. (Photo: Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau)

Wed. 17 December 2014


BOSTON, Mass., USA: The 2015 Yankee Dental Conference 40th year celebration, Jan. 29 through Feb. 1, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, will include celebratory activities in the exhibit hall, Jan. 29 through 31. There also will be the usual abundance of C.E. credit opportunities.

On Thursday, Jan. 29, registered attendees will receive $5 in Yankee Dining Dollars to be used toward any food or beverage purchase on the exhibit hall floor between 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Then in the afternoon, you can enjoy a complimentary 40th birthday cupcake.

The Fabulous at 40 Reception, 4–5 p.m., Friday, Jan. 30, provides an opportunity to enjoy complimentary wine or beer and snacks while socializing with colleagues and browsing the show floor.

On Saturday, Jan. 31, the exhibit hall hosts the 15th Annual Chowder Tasting at noon in the food court. Attendees will be able to sample award-winning chowder from Levy Restaurants, Hilton Back Bay, Seaport Hotel, Hyatt Regency Boston and Starwood of Boston.

There will be multiple daily chances to win rewards by shopping in the exhibit hall. Spending $5,000 enters you to win an AMEX gift card. Also, Mystery Shoppers will reward random exhibit-hall shoppers with gift cards. And there will be opportunities to win free registration to YDC 2016.

The Lounge provides an opportunity to take a quick break while charging your phone or tablet and having a bite to eat.

The High-Tech Playground provides the opportunity to test drive the latest in dental technology. Demonstrations featuring state-of-the-art devices and services will take place each day. The idea is to let attendees try out products free of sales pressure and watch presentations before serious shopping on the exhibit hall floor.

At the Live Dentistry stage, you can learn from some of the profession’s top clinicians as they perform actual procedures.

Exhibit hall hours are 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m., Jan. 29 and 30 and 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Jan. 31.

(Source: Yankee Dental Conference)


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