Dental News - GLO Science offers webinar for dental professionals

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GLO Science offers webinar for dental professionals

Dr. Jonathan B. Levine, co-founder of GLO Science and inventor of the GLO Science whitening technology and other dental products, is presenting a Dental Tribune Study Club webinar June 13 at (DTI/Photo provided by GLO Science)

Tue. 21 May 2013


GLO Science, a leading developer of teeth-whitening products and the winner of the 2012 Edison Award for excellence in innovation and design, is presenting a live webinar for dental professionals on Thursday, June 13, at 5:30 p.m. EST on the Dental Tribune Study Club website. The webinar presenter is GLO Science Co-Founder Dr. Jonathan B. Levine.

The company’s GLO Science Professional division offers a dual teeth-whitening system available exclusively to dental practices. According to the company, the process enables patients to see results one, 32-minute, in-office whitening session — with no sensitivity.

The company’s patented Guided Light Optics (G.L.O.) combines heat with light in a closed-system mouthpiece, which activates the professional-strength GLO Whitening Gel and prevents whitening oxygen from escaping the mouth. According to the company, the system generates faster, more efficient and longer-lasting whitening results.

The technology’s inventor, Levine, is a dentist and prosthodontist who has been in practice for nearly 30 years and also is an associate professor at the New York University School of Dentistry.

Levine holds three patents and 12 “patents pending” in oral care. A national opinion leader in oral health, Levine devotes much of his professional life to guiding the next generation of dentists and is the program director of the Advanced Aesthetics Program in Dentistry at the NYU School of Continuing and Professional Studies.

Levine also contributes his professional services to humanitarian efforts and organizations. He is on the board of Foundation Rwanda, which helps the children of the 1994 genocide, and is on the advisory board of Health Corps, a national service and peer-mentoring initiative. He also donates his services to Operation Smile to help correct childhood facial deformities across the globe.

Registration for the webinar is available through, or directly at, which is where the live webinar will be streamed and then archived for later viewing.

(Source: GLO Science)


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