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February is National Children’s Dental Health Month

This poster is one of the materials available from the ADA to help promote National Children’s Dental Health Month. (DTI/Photo ADA)
American Dental Association

American Dental Association

Wed. 1 February 2012


Each February, the American Dental Association (ADA) sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month to raise awareness about the importance of oral health. NCDHM messages and materials have reached millions of people in communities across the country. Developing good habits at an early age and scheduling regular dental visits helps children get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.

The ADA has free resources on its website that can help dentists with oral health presentations, ideas for the classroom and coloring and activity sheets that can be used as handouts. ADA also has booklets, videos and other materials available for purchase through the ADA Catalog.

The 2011 NCDHM campaign features a two-sided, eye-catching poster with the McGrinn Twins, Flossy and Buck, along with their new best friends and next door neighbors, Den and Gen Smiley, reminding children: “A Healthy Smile? It’s Easy to Find! Remember to brush & floss everyday!”

On the opposite side, pre-teens/teens are excited to discover “Healthy Smiles Look Good Up Close” with general oral health messages.

The NCDHM Program Planning Guide offers program coordinators, dental societies, teachers and parents resources to promote the benefits of good oral health to children. The guide includes easy-to-do activities, program planning timetable tips, and much, much more.

Posters are available in English and Spanish. They can be used on billboards, in offices, classrooms, etc.

There are many ways for dentists to publicize oral health messages, events and activities. The ADA is offering the following ideas that can help get messages placed:

  • Develop a list of the local newspapers, radio and television stations. Many libraries have media directories (such as Bacon’s), which include addresses, phone numbers, names of editors or producers, and circulation or broadcast information.
  • The local phone directory is a good resource for locating news outlets. Don’t forget community news or “free” papers, which often feature community events.
  • Press releases are bulletins that provide general information about a specific topic (sealants, mouth guards, early childhood caries, etc.) or an upcoming event, such as a dental health screening.
  • News articles should be typed, double-spaced, on organization letterhead or sent by email.



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