Dental News - Excitement builds for 4th International Congress of cone beam 3-D technology

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Excitement builds for 4th International Congress of cone beam 3-D technology

Excitement is building for 4th International Congress of cone beam 3-D technology, to be held near the beaches of sunny La Jolla. CA, USA. (DTI/Photo
Imaging Sciences International

Imaging Sciences International

Tue. 15 June 2010


Imaging Sciences International and Gendex Dental Systems have announced that the 4th International Congress on 3-D Dental Imaging will be held in La Jolla, CA, USA, 25 and 26 June. Experienced dental clinicians and professionals will share their vast knowledge of 3-D’s past, where it is today and where it’s going in the future.

These leaders in education will also offer their expertise on the practical applications of this dynamic technology—how it actually works in the clinical environment.

3-D technology is already redefining dental outcomes across a broad spectrum of treatment options, including implants, bone grafting, oral surgery, orthodontics and endodontics. As it continues to build a reputation for facilitating efficiency, accuracy and detail in diagnosis and treatment, new applications are allowing dentists to expand their treatment horizons and practices.

To meet the demand for education, the Congress’ curriculum has been expanded yet again this year to include topics ranging from basic information to detailed clinical use and hands-on training with 3-D planning software programs.

During the two-day symposium, attendees will also gain insight into the different field-of-view options for various specialties, detailed clinical application and hands-on training with 3-D planning software programs, powerful advice on legal issues and marketing opportunities—plus a peek into the future possibilities of cone beam. In addition to the seminars, a variety of vendors will display supporting 3-D products, such as imaging, implant and restorative systems, as well as 3-D treatment planning software.

More information about the International Congress on 3-D Dental Imaging is available at or by phone, at +1 800 205 3570.

(Edited by Fred Michmershuizen, DTA)

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