Dental News - DEXIS Ti2 sensor delivers confidence, clarity and comfort

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DEXIS Ti2 sensor delivers confidence, clarity and comfort

The DEXIS Ti2 sensor. (Photo: Provided by DEXIS)


Sat. 25 May 2024


As a leading provider of digital solutions, DEXIS has gained a loyal following among dental practices for its DEXIS Titanium sensor. DEXIS has introduced its next-generation digital sensor, the DEXIS Ti2 sensor, featuring a host of innovations built on the proven technology of the Titanium sensor. For dentists seeking confidence, clarity and comfort in their 2-D X-ray processes, the Ti2 sensor delivers a full complement of features busy practices demand.

With twice the durability of its predecessor, the Ti2 sensor employs resilient housing that is resistant to cracks and breakage, with a unique surface design that withstands significant stress, pressure, impact and bites. This robustness extends to the sensor cable design that stands up to repeated flexing, twisting and tugging — helping maintain continual connectivity and signal strength.

Along with robust design features, the Ti2 sensor enables you and your team to take advantage of leading-edge AI-enabled 2-D findings within DEXIS software to help support enhanced diagnostic capabilities. Images captured by the Ti2 sensor can be viewed on both DEXIS Imaging Suite and DTX Studio Clinic software.

With a single click, you’ll have the AI-powered ability to instantly identify up to six dental findings on 2-D X-rays, including caries, calculus, periapical radiolucency, bone loss, root canal filling deficiencies and discrepancies at the margin of an existing restoration.

“The contrast achieved with the Ti2 sensor is impressive and has been offering distinct differentiations between varying density of tissues,” said Dr. Katz. “For patients with periodontal disease, we have been able to clearly identify sub-gingival calculus and monitor their bone levels. Caries detection and diagnosis are clear and precise with the contrast available with these images.”

Ti2 now offers a proactive monitoring service with a DEXIS Complete package. DEXIS Connect Pro is designed to ensure continuous peak performance of your sensor with the use of cloud-based service connectivity. If a performance issue is detected, the DEXIS support team can automatically schedule support or replace your equipment before the sensor goes down.

“The knowledge that my sensor communicates with DEXIS support and that they’re ready to help me if I ever need it gives me peace of mind.” said Amber Metro-Sanchez, RDH BA.

An essential component of your efficient digital workflow, the Ti2 sensor offers the enhanced durability, reliability, patient comfort and image quality needed to perform in your high-demand practice.

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