Dental News - ‘Pros in the Profession’ winners are honored

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‘Pros in the Profession’ winners are honored

Pros in the Profession winners with Dr. Travis Stork from ‘The Doctors’ and Wendy Bebey and Dr. Veronica Sanchez from P&G at the Pros in the Profession awards ceremony during the recent ADHA meeting. (DTI/Photo P&G)

Wed. 21 September 2011


NEW YORK, NY, USA: The 2010–2011 Pros in the Profession award program has come to a successful conclusion with Crest Oral-B recognizing five deserving dental hygienists who go beyond the call of duty. These five outstanding professionals were nominated by their peers and selected from an overwhelming pool of qualified candidates for truly making an impact on their patients.

Ann Benson was selected for following her dream to start Mobile Dentistry of Arizona, a practice that brings comprehensive dental care to those with limited transportation. Mobile Dentistry of Arizona offers on-site dental care to the residents and staff members of assisted living homes, skilled nursing, long-term care communities and other age-qualified communities.

Trudy Meinberg has distinguished herself for more than 30 years as a registered dental hygienist in both private and collegiate practice settings. In addition to teaching clinical periodontics to undergraduate dental students at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) College of Dentistry, she has also contributed to several research studies and has been published in a number of scholarly journals.

Mary Lynne Murray-Rider has improved the lives of others both inside and outside the office. In addition to her 31 years of experience as a registered dental hygienist, Murray-Rider has served as an ADHA Delegate, the Maine Dental Hygienists Association (MDHA) president and on several MDHA councils and is currently serving as immediate past president and continuing education council liaison.

Linda Maciel has established a screening protocol to detect early signs of oral cancer and has caught basal-cell carcinoma and detected early signs of thyroid cancer throughout her 11 years of practice. Maciel also volunteers with her office at community events and works to promote having a healthy mouth by discussing the links between periodontal health and systemic concerns.

Sharon Shull is an advocate for both education and community service. She is dedicated to increasing care for segments of society that are unable to receive basic oral health-care services and encourages dental hygiene students to have a greater awareness of the true oral health needs of society. Shull is the community health coordinator and program director for both the bachelor of science in dental hygiene online degree completion program and study abroad at Old Dominion University School of Dental Hygiene.

Crest Oral-B honored these five Pros in the Profession winners with a VIP, all-expense-paid trip to the American Dental Hygienists’ Association’s 88th Annual Session in Nashville, Tenn., where they were presented with awards to celebrate their achievements.

More information about the Pros in the Profession award program is available on Facebook, at


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