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AAE wins Silver Trumpet Award for Instagram presence

Photo: Provided by the AAE

Fri. 22 December 2023


The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) announced it has picked up a Silver Trumpet Award win for its Instagram presence at the 65th Annual Golden Trumpet Awards, hosted by the Publicity Club of Chicago.

The Golden Trumpets Awards program is the most prestigious program for public relations professionals in the Midwest region.

According to the AAE, the organization stepped up its social media game in 2022 and continues to do so each day.

“If you peruse our social media pages, you may notice a marked improvement in imagery — and following! That’s because we have spent the past year carving out a strong social media strategy — complete with a social media style guide,” the organization said when announcing its Golden Trumpet win. “Based on industry research, a review of AAE’s channels and account analysis from peers, we found that we can engage the general public by telling an authentic story with a modern visual style to attract multiple audiences.”

This latest win is the AAE’s third Silver Trumpet Award to date and marks the 12th notched award win in 2023 alone (after the AAE celebrated more than a dozen other award wins in 2022).

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