Dental News - New lineup of speakers expands scope of Carestream Dental’s Orthodontic Summit

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New lineup of speakers expands scope of Carestream Dental’s Orthodontic Summit

The Orthodontic Summit takes place March 13-14 in Atlanta, at the Renaissance Waverly Hotel. (Photo:

Wed. 4 March 2015


ATLANTA, Ga., USA: The new format of the Orthodontic Summit, previously the Orthodontic Users’ Conference, includes an array of expert speakers covering a range of topics relevant to the dental industry. “The scope of the Orthodontic Summit expanded this year to include professionals from across the field of orthodontics — as well as returning Carestream Dental Orthodontic Imaging and CS OrthoTrac users,” said Mary Conditt, director of clinical affairs, U.S. digital, Carestream Dental.

“Such a broad mix of attendees means a variety of new speakers covering topics such as sleep apnea, fraud, business metrics, office design and team efficiency,” Conditt said. “Of course, there will also be plenty of sessions scheduled to train and enhance the experience of our software users, as well.”

The summit will feature two keynote speakers, one for each day of the summit, to motivate attendees for the courses ahead.

On Friday, March 13, keynote speaker Kyle Maynard kicks off the Orthodontic Summit with “No Excuses!” Despite being born without arms or legs, Maynard became the first man to crawl on his own to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa. His keynote address is a high-impact and insightful presentation designed to teach audiences that — no matter how difficult life’s obstacles may seem — everyone has the ability to overcome them.

The following day, keynote Bernie Stoltz, CEO of Fortune Management, presents “Breakthrough Orthodontic Marketing.” Participants will learn the most effective strategies for attracting new patients and keeping them for life.

Industry experts will also speak about up-and-coming issues in the orthodontic industry during the summit. Some of the speakers and sessions for the weekend include:

Friday, March 13

  • Robert L. Waugh, DMD, presents “Intraoral Scan-to-Appliance: Digital Impressions for Maximized Efficiency in Time and Cost.” In this hands-on course, Waugh will explain how to easily transition from “old school” stone models to the new world of digital impressions.
  • Chris Bentson, president of Bentson Clark & Copple, presents “Orthodontic Calculus: Trends, Benchmarks and Data Today’s Orthodontists Must Understand in Order to Build Practice Value.” Whether you have owned a practice for 20 years or you are just starting out, this session will give attendees a fundamental understanding of business metrics.
  • Paul Zuelke, president of Zuelke & Associates, presents “The Key to Growth — Making it Easy for Your Patients to Buy the Product that You Sell.” In this session, attendees will learn how to make orthodontic care affordable while also making a profit for your practice.

Saturday, March 14

  • Wendy Askins, MBA, senior fraud examiner of Prosperident, presents “Swindles, Cheats and Scams.” In this interactive presentation, Askins will show examples of various real-life scams committed against orthodontic, oral surgery and general dentist offices. She will also provide practical solutions to defeat external threats.
  • Erin E. Elliott, DDS, ASBAD, presents “Sleep Apnea: Wake up to the Problem.” This session is designed to educate you on dental sleep medicine and can improve your patients’ overall health and quality of life while building your practice.
  • Paul Zuelke, president of Zuelke & Associates, presents, “Exercise the Power of the Zuelke Module.” Learn the powerful tools in the Zuelke Financial Module with Paul Zuelke.
  • Benjamin G. Burris, DDS, MDS, presents “Practice Differentiation.” Learn key elements to help you stand out and grow your practice despite many competitive factors.
  • Orthodontic consultants Debbie Best, Rosemary Bray and Carol Eaton are co-presenting “Team Talk! Communicate with Benefits: Efficiency, Camaraderie & Harmony.” Learn how to communicate better with your teammates through efficient morning huddles, real team meetings, productive annual reviews and fun team building retreats.

The Orthodontic Summit is now open to all orthodontic professionals, as well as CS OrthoTrac users. The Summit takes place March 13-14 in Atlanta, at the Renaissance Waverly Hotel.

For more information about the speakers and all educational sessions and to register, visit Use #csdsummit on Twitter and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all the latest news about the Orthodontic Summit.

(Source: Carestream Dental)


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