Dental News - Henry Schein announces release of Dentrix Ascend

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Henry Schein announces release of Dentrix Ascend

Dentrix Ascend, Henry Schein’s cloud-based practice management system, has completed beta testing. (Photo: Henry Schein Dental)

Thu. 3 April 2014


MELVILLE, N.Y., USA: Henry Schein Inc. has announced the availability of Dentrix Ascend, its first cloud-based practice management system. Having completed beta testing, Dentrix Ascend features a web-based practice management system that enhances dental practice efficiency by providing the benefits of the cloud, including automatic data backup, upgrades delivered in small, easily learned modules, and round-the-clock access.

Dentrix Ascend is compatible from any model of computer — personal computer, Macintosh or tablet.

“Dentrix Ascend provides a completely new experience in dental practice management,” said Kevin Bunker, president of Henry Schein North American Dental Practice Solutions. “Not only is it cloud-based, but it also improves workflow and practice efficiency with an entirely new, easy-to-learn interface that we created based on hundreds of hours of usability research.”

According to Schein, Dentrix Ascend offers a unique approach to managing office workflow in the way it delivers real-time information.

“While most software systems provide reports that look back at data from the month before, Dentrix Ascend provides a dashboard of real-time information to ensure dental team members focus on the most important tasks, right away,” Bunker said. “In addition, it streamlines the path for completing those tasks.”

Customers can subscribe to Dentrix Ascend on a month-to-month basis, offering dentists greater flexibility than long-term service contracts. In addition, Dentrix Ascend includes many features that are typically costly add-on modules in other systems—such as patient reminder services and electronic insurance claim submission — all for a single monthly price.

(Source: PRNewswire)


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