Dental News - DMG introduces Icon for the treatment of incipient caries

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DMG introduces Icon for the treatment of incipient caries

DMG America President George Wolfe says Icon allows doctors the ability to treat incipient lesions upon discovery, without letting the problem get worse. (DTI/Photo Fred Michmershuizen)
Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Tue. 6 October 2009


HONOLULU, HI, USA: DMG America, a company specializing in dental restorative products, has introduced Icon, a product for the treatment of incipient caries and white spots that involves no drilling. Designed to bridge the gap between prevention and restoration, Icon takes the ‘wait’ out of ‘wait and see.’

Icon is a caries infiltrant that uses micro-invasive technology to fill and reinforce demineralized enamel without drilling or anesthesia.

“We feel we are doing something positive for the industry,” said DMG America President George Wolfe, during an interview with Dental Tribune at the ADA Annual Session. “Our new Icon product is what all the buzz is about. It allows doctors to treat incipient lesions while preserving natural tooth structure.”

As Wolfe explained, Icon works by blocking infusion paths of cariogenic acids that cause demineralization of tooth enamel. It allows patients with poor compliance to be treated earlier, and it prolongs the life expectancy of a tooth.

“It gives doctors the ability to treat upon discovery — without letting the problem get worse,” Wolfe said.

Icon can be used for both smooth and proximal surfaces, and it can also be used for the cosmetic treatment of carious white spot lesions. Treatment time per lesion is about 15 minutes.

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